• Klassikaal

How to deal with inappropriate behaviour

After completing this training, you will be able to recognise inappropriate behaviour, know how your own (non-)verbale behaviour affects other people, be able to deescalate inappropriate behaviour using different techniques.

Duur: 1 day
4 self study hours
Prijs op aanvraag

Unfortunately, every one of us will encounter some form of inappropriate or aggressive behaviour when interacting with others.

Subtle forms of inappropriate behaviour are usually felt, but not recognised as such. How would you react to a customer telling you: “I would like to talk to a manager who is obviously more knowledgeable than you!”? Maybe later you think: “I should have said this and that.” How great would it be to be able to react in a safe space for yourself and the other?

Inappropriate behaviour induces stress. This training is aimed at minimizing stress, enabling you to react professionally.


After the training you:

  • are able to deescalate inappropriate behaviour using different techniques;
  • are able to distinguish different types of aggressive behaviour;
  • know how to apply your own (non-)verbal behaviour to positively influence the behaviour of others.

For whom?

This training is suited for HR professionals who work with people and have encountered inappropriate behaviour, or (junior) professionals who want to learn about or practice with inappropriate situations preventatively. The entry level for this training is MBO+.


The learning methods in this training can be directly applied in practice. For this training artra uses a very experienced trainer and an actor, who is available all day to practise the de-escalation techniques taught in the training.


This training consists of an e-learning (‘How to deal with inappropriate behaviour’) and an in-class training of one full day. Apart from the in-class training, the study load is 4 hours of preparation.


After completing this training, you will be able to:

  • Recognise your own types of tension/stress;
  • Identify different types of aggressive behaviour in others;
  • Regain your self-control;
  • Deescalate your own and others inappropriate behaviour using different techniques.

Furthermore, you will discuss:

  • How to apply rules of conduct after being confronted with aggressive behaviour;
  • The different roles of your colleagues in these kinds of situations;
  • Case study to further develop you own conversation style.