• Klassikaal

Effective business writing

The training Effective business writing will teach you how to draft professional, clear and customer friendly texts.

Duur: 1 day
2 self study hours
Prijs op aanvraag

You will profit a lot from solid, professional business e-mails, which are well constructed, to the point, easy to read and customer oriented. Clients will not contact you because the e-mail was unclear, but they will contact you through a call to action. Both efficient and cost reducing.


After completing this training, you will be able to

  • Create different types of well-structured commercial texts containing either an offer, a request or a call to action;
  • Draft brief, clear and customer-oriented texts;
  • Maintain a friendly, positive tone, even if you respond to a complaint or need to deliver bad news.

For whom?

The training Effective business writing is suited for every professional responsible for written communication with customers or other business relations. The entry level for this training is MBO+.


The in-class training starts with the basic principle for writing a business e-mail. You learn about the use of headers, paragraph division, syntax and how to assemble your text.

Then we delve deeper into the customer-oriented aspect of texts. You learn how to write emails that are concrete, short and concise, but also strengthen the business relationship. This prevents repeat traffic and unnecessary questions.


The training effective business writing is an in-class training of a full day.

Study load

Apart from the in-class training, the additional study load is 2 hours of preparation.
